
How To Get A Speeding Ticket Dismissed In Texas

traffic stop sign

Get out of a traffic ticket in Texas

There are a few different options to get out of a ticket in Texas. If you qualify for defensive driving and desire to take defensive driving, that is one way. Another option is to request a judge or jury trial and show up to the trial date to fight the ticket. You will need to be more convincing to the judge or jury than the officer. If the officer does not show up many times the ticket will be dismissed by the prosecutor. It is not a guarantee, they may try to postpone, or continue, the trial to another day.

What to say to a cop to get you out of a ticket

Police are human beings with good and bad days. They run into all sorts of people, kind, rude and everything in between. Your chances of getting a warning instead of a ticket are greatly reduced if you are rude. Becoming defensive and angry on the roadside will almost guarantee a traffic ticket is coming your way. My personal experience is that I smile and say hello when the officer walks up to my window. I hand my license and insurance over. One time the officer gave me a warning. My second speeding stop several years later I was given a regular speeding ticket instead of a construction zone speeding ticket. That break allowed me to get the ticket dismissed and keep it off my record. Construction zone tickets in Texas are not supposed be allowed to do defensive driving.

Can I just pay my ticket and not got to court?

Yes, paying a ticket is permissible but it will stay on your record. Insurance companies look at a driving record as far back as 5 years and charge accordingly to higher risk drivers.

How to get old tickets dismissed in Texas

It is helpful to have a lawyer deal with this. I just got about 20 tickets dismissed recently for a client in Hays County, Tx. The tickets were over 10 years old. My client skipped out and moved out of state. The problem he was having is that he could not renew his Texas Driver License until the tickets were resolved. Resolving the tickets allowed the Omni with the DPS to be removed from his license. I negotiated that he pay the $30 per ticket Omni fee on just 4 of the several tickets. This saved my client several hundred dollars.

How long do unpaid traffic tickets stay on your record in Texas?

They stay forever or until resolved. The Omni fee is sent to the DPS by the court and a person cannot renew their driver license until the omni is lifted. That will not happen until the ticket is resolved at the court. The court will then send the Omni release to DPS after a $30 fee is paid to the court.

How do I check if I have a suspended Texas License?

Drivers can check on this website to find out the status of their Texas Driver License.

How do I check if I owe tickets?

If you think you missed court for a ticket you can check this following website With your license number and date birth any tickets that are held in omni status can be found here.

How do I get rid of traffic warrants in Texas?

When I do a letter of representation to a court they put the case on a docket. This allows me to negotiate with the prosecutor. Once we get the case set for a resolution (which includes the fees, fines, and/or restitution)I discuss the terms with my client. I am usually able negotiate a favorable resolution for my clients. Older cases can have advantages because witnesses are usually long gone and unavailable.

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Eric Torberson

Eric Torberson is a licensed attorney in Texas as well as licensed in the federal courts of the southern and western districts of Texas.

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