
How To Get Rid Of Red Marks On Face

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How To Remove Pimple Marks 10 Effective Ways

How To Remove Pimple Marks Effectively Ways Infographic

Pimple marks can be a cruel reminder of our skin woes. The best way to ignore getting pimples is by preventing breakouts and a balanced diet. However, there's much more than just a diet and lifestyle that contribute to pimple marks. These pesky pimple marks can really affect your confidence. But, there are more than one ways to know how to remove pimple marks. If you are looking for effective ways on how to remove pimple marks from your face, this essential read will guide you.

What Causes Pimple Marks

What causes pimple marks

Many people mistake acne and pimple as the same thing. While acne is a skin condition, pimples are a side effect of one of the symptoms of acne. Oily skin is one of the most affected skin types due to acne and pimples. The pimples and pimple spots appear, in most cases, as the natural boils on your skin. When your skin cells accumulate dirt, toxins and oil sebum, it leads to clogging of pores. These clogged pores , in result, lead to breakouts and pimples. To know how to remove pimple marks effectively, it is essential that you keep your face clean. Many people suffer from pimples due to hormonal changes. However, no matter what the case is, pimple marks are a dreaded nightmare for all of us.

Types Of Pimple Marks

There are primarily three types of pimple marks. They are usually identified by their appearance on the skin.

  1. Tiny ones that become flat and black-ish: These ones are the easiest to clear and often the process is natural.
  2. One with the white head: This one tends to scar the sin at a deeper level. Also called as the ice pick, boxcar and rolling scars, this kind of pimple marks look narrower, but have a deep effect. These marks are also due to collagen loss of the skin.
  3. Ones that leave red-brown-ish marks: These scars are caused by the cyst and hormonal imbalance, and are often very difficult to leave.

Home Remedies For Pimples

Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Acne Scars And Pimple Marks

1. Orange Peel Powder

Orange peel powder for pimple marks

Full of the goodness of citric acid that helps in lightening the marks and brightening the skin, orange peel powder is a blessing for those who don't know how to remove pimple marks from their skin.

You Will Need
• 1 tsp orange peel powder
• 1 tsp raw honey

What To Do
• Mix equal portions of orange peel powder with honey. Mix it well to remove all lump and to make a smooth paste.
• Apply this paste on affected areas of your face which are marred by pimples.
• Let it stay for 10-15 minutes and wash it off with lukewarm water.

Tip: Try this once every alternate day to remove pimple marks.

2. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil for pimple marks

There's hardly any skin condition that can't benefit from the rich, anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties of coconut oil. This effective home remedy is a sure-shot way to prevent the surfacing of new acne lesions. Packed withvitamins E and K, and antioxidants, it helps in the growth of healthy skin cells that helps to remove pimple marks.

You Will Need
• 1 tsp coconut oil

What To Do
• Rub coconut oil between your palms and dab it gently over affected areas of your face
• Leave it overnight for a better result, and wash

Tip: Try this daily to see better results.

3. Besan

Besan for pimple marks

Being one of the most easily available ingredients, besan (gram flour) comes handy for most skin troubles. Be it to remove pimple marks or to be used as a regular face scrubs, besan is full of alkalising properties, and it has been used as a skin cleanser for years to maintain the skin's pH balance.

You Will Need
• 1 tbsp of besan
• Rosewater
• Lemon juice

What To Do
• Mix besan, rose water and lemon juice to make a paste of thick texture.
• Apply the paste evenly on your face and neck, especially concentrate more on the affected areas.
• Let it dry and wash with plain water.

Tips: Do it every alternate day for better results. You can also eliminate lemon juice from the process if you like.

4. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil for pimple marks

For acne and pimple-prone skin, tea tree oil is a saviour. Its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties play as a perfect agent to get rid of marks and blemishes on the skin. The best part of this home remedy is that it works well for every skin type.

You Will Need
• Three to four drops of tea tree oil
Carrier oil like coconut or almond oil

What To Do
• Mix tea tree oil with a carrier oil
• Mix it well to make a paste and apply it uniformly to the pimple marks and lesions.
• Let it stay for overnight or for at least one or two hours before washing it off.

Tips: Try this daily for best results. Since tea tree oil needs a carrier oil, you can use any essential or mineral oil instead of coconut oil.

5. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar for pimple marks

If you want to strike the perfect pH balance for your sin, apple cider vinegar is an effective ingredient. It soaks in excess oils and keeps the skin pores clean and exfoliated naturally, leaving a soft, smooth and blemishes-free skin. it also helps in reducing the redness of your pimples, and gradually helps in reduction of their size.

You Will Need
• 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar
• 2 tbsps honey
• Water

What To Do
• Mix apple cider vinegar with two tbsps of honey.
• Use water if you want to dilute the consistency of this mixture.
• Apply this mixture on your entire face using a clean cotton pad.
• Let it stay for 15 to 20 minutes and wash with plain water.

Tips: Try this daily for effective results. If you have sensitive skin, dilute mix one part apple cider vinegar with 10 parts water.

6. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera for pimple marks

For flawless, naturally-glowing skin, aloe vera is a perfect remedy. With its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, it helps in curing skin woes like scars, pimple marks and infections. it also relieves the skin of blemishes and aids in healing wounds faster without leaving marks.

You Will Need
• Aloe vera gel

What To Do
• Extract the gel from aloe leaves or buy organic aloe vera gell or gel-base products from the market.
• Apply a thick and uniform layer on the affected area.
• Leave it on your face staying overnight.

Tips: Try this daily. With its multiple health benefits, you can apply this on your hair, body and face. You can also drink it to enhance your skin pH balance.

7. Baking Soda

Baking soda for pimple marks

Baking soda is known for its exfoliating and bleaching properties. Regularly use of baking soda helps in getting rid of clogged skin pores and skin marks. Owing to its alkaline nature, this ingredient also helps in restoring the skin's pH balance pH, and aids in combatting scars and pimple marks.

You Will Need
• 2 tbsps baking soda
• 1 tbsp water

What To Do
• Take water and baking soda in a small bowl. Mix well and apply it on your scars.
• Let it dry and wash it off after 10-12 minutes

Tips: Try this once a day. Please ensure that you're using baking soda and not baking powder.

8. Lemon Juice

Lemon juice for pimple marks

Lemon juice is a natural bleaching agent. With its lightening properties, it can be used to lighten the pimple marks easily.

You Will Need
• Fresh lemon juice
• Cotton pads

What To Do
• Take the lemon juice and rub it gently on your pimple marks and other affected areas. Squeeze the juice from half a lemon.
• You can use a cotton pad or your fingers. Make sure your hands are clean.
• Let it rest for 10-15 minutes. Wash with lukewarm water.

Tips: Do it every alternate day. Use fresh lemons for effective results.
• You must do this once every alternate day.

9. Castor Oil

Castor oil for pimple marks

Castor oil contains vitamin E and omega-3 fatty acids. These enriching elements help in repairing the damaged skin layer by helping in the growth of new skin cells. It also helps in fighting pigmentation, reduces the size of the acne scars.

You Will Need
• Castor oil (as required)

What To Do
• Take some oil on your fingers and apply it to the affected areas.
• Leave it on overnight and wash off the next morning with lukewarm water.

Tips: Since castor oil has a thick consistency, it is imperative that you make sure it has completely washed away.

10. Turmeric

Turmeric for pimple marks

Turmeric is perhaps one of the oldest medicinal herbs that humans know. Its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties speed up and lighten the acne scars and skin tone. Regular use of turmeric powder on skin aids in the reduction of pigmentation and also gives a glowing skin tone.

You Will Need
• 1-2 tsp of turmeric powder
• 1 spoon lemon juice

What To Do
• Mix turmeric powder and lemon juice.
• Apply this paste evenly all over your face like a face mask
• Leave it on your skin for 30 minutes
• Wash it off with lukewarm water

Tips: You must do this once every alternate day. If you don't want your fingers stained yellow, wear gloves when applying the mask, as it leaves a yellowish tint on the skin.

Prevention Tips Pimple Marks

Tips for preventing pimple marks

• Keep your face clean and wash it at least twice a day with a milder face wash
Exfoliate regularly. It helps your skin to get rid of dead skin cells and helps in keeping the pores clean
• Never go to bed with makeup on.
• Use chemical-free makeup remover. use clean cotton pads to remove makeup, as it often ends up leading the pores to clog.
• If you are suffering from a breakout, never touch or pop any pimple.
• Keep away from direct sun. Always wear sunscreen if you spend a lot of time outdoors.
• A healthy diet is the best way to keep breakouts. Eat a lot of greens and drink plenty of healthy fluids for natural skin

Tips: These home remedies can solve most of your skin woes. however, some serious skin conditions need dermatologist's opinion. If your pimples or acne don't go away after two weeks, do see a skin specialist. This could also be hormonal. Some scar marks do not fade away with time. They surely do lighten up, but never go away completely. If you are suffering from such skin condition, take dermatologist's opinion on pimple marks.

How to remove pimple marks: FAQs

Q. Which is the best oil to help in getting rid of pimple marks?

A. Coconut oil, olive oil, and castor oil can help immensely in repairing your skin. They also help in reducing the appearance of pimple marks.

Q. Can stress lead to pimples?

A. Stress can trigger a whole host of changes in your body, according to experts. And these changes can lead to pimples and acne. Acute stress can cause a hormone turmoil and, as we have discussed earlier, a hormonal agitation can make sebaceous glands overactive.

Q. Can what I eat cause pimples?

A. Your diet has a direct correlation with your skin condition. Oily, greasy food can lead to stimulating the oil glands to produce more sebum, which can block pores and lead to breakouts.

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