
How To Get Bold Text On Iphone

Turn on bold in iOS 7

In the not distant past, we updated the firmware of our iPhone to version iOS 7. After the successful completion of the update and before starting work, we had to go through the activation procedure. During activation, we first saw new thin fonts on a white background, even then it was clear that the design of iOS 7 would be significantly changed, which we actually saw after completing the activation of iOS7.

The first thing that caught my eye was a new plane and a thin font under the icons on the working screen of iOS 7. In the iPad with iOS 7, the standard font is also thin as in the iPhone, it is not very overwhelming, I want the letters to be a little thicker. Climbing in the phone settings, we managed to set the bold font, and the names of the applications began to look prettier and more readable.

If you decide to make the font bold in iOS 7, then follow these steps:

Launch the Settings application. In the General section, you need to select Accessibility, this is where you can find the setting of the weight of the iPhone and iPad font. Turn on the Bold toggle switch and press the Continue button. Applying this setting restarts the iPhone or iPad, after which the font becomes bold.

This is what the lock screen looks like with standard font and bold. Bold "Unlock" text looks too bold.

Users who liked the design of iOS 6 more often include bold in iOS 7. In the Settings menu, bold type makes items more visible against a new white background. Here I would leave the fat content.

After applying the setting in an iPhone or iPad with iOS 7 firmware, bold type is present in all standard applications, the example above is the user's contact.

I don't know about you, but the bold type would be enough for me only in the Settings application and under the icons on the home screen. If Apple opens up access to the selective settings for applying bold, then I would activate them that way. To date, I think iOS 7 is not finalized in terms of design, I will hope that Apple will finish its mobile operating system in future updates.

Monospace format

To use this format, you need to find where on the keyboard there are oblique "" "quotes and also enclose the word in these characters (there should be three quotes on each side). Finding it is a little more difficult than other symbols, since it can often be found in the submenu of the first page of special symbols. This special character allows you to designate the beginning and end of the conflict zone. You can use the context menu instead of the fast formatting option. The format change is carried out in strict accordance with the message m and the purpose of its sending.

Bold, italic, strikethrough font in WhatsApp

Having decided to send a message via WhatsApp, not everyone knows how to emphasize and draw attention to a certain phrase. Using bold type in WhatsApp, you can focus on certain points, add emotionality, information content to the message being sent. However, not everyone knows how to do this. We offer you to figure out how to make a bold font when writing the entire message or only part of it.

Method one: universal

When figuring out how to write in bold when the phone is running on a specific operating system, it is worth considering this option first. It assumes the use of a special character. To write in bold, just put "", write the text itself, and then put "" again.

This is done in the following sequence:

  • We launch the messenger and go to the desired chat. After waiting for the opening and making sure that the chat with the right interlocutor has opened, we place the cursor in the field in which you have to type the text.
  • Enter "".
  • Immediately, without a space, type a phrase or a separate word that needs to be highlighted.
  • Enter "".
  • If necessary, add the message and send it to the interlocutor by pressing the appropriate button.

When using the mobile version running on iOS or Android, the desired effect will be achieved immediately after the phrase is completed. With Windows, the situation is somewhat different. The ability to format phrases before sending a message is not provided here. However, after pressing the corresponding key, it will be possible to correctly place accents.

It is not necessary to immediately highlight a specific phrase in bold. If necessary, you can type all the text, and then insert the asterisks in the desired places and thereby perform the text formatting.

How to write in italics

Before changing the font, write the entire phrase in its entirety. After that, use the context menu. As soon as it appears, it will be possible to change the writing style of the entire phrase or only part of it.

You can also use special characters instead of the context menu. For italics, this is an underscore. To get beautiful letters, you just need to write an underscore, type in the text and again write an underscore.

  • Sign "_".
  • The whole phrase or individual words that I would like to highlight in a special way.
  • Sign "_".

Method two: context menu

To use this method, you need to type text, select it, and after the context menu appears, select the desired format. On an iOS phone, touch the arrow pointing to the right. This will open the item "B I U", which hides the format.

How to write text in bold

The sequence of actions can vary significantly. It all depends on which version of the messenger is used by the owner of the phone. For Android, the order of actions will be one, for iOS or Windows. different. However, there is also a universal method that can be used on all three systems. It is worth getting to know him first.

Strikethrough text or cross out individual phrases

Why cross out the text? Sometimes even this is necessary for a better presentation of information. You can cross out the wrong phrase and leave the correct one untouched. To get the strikethrough text, just use the tilde symbol. The symbol is entered at the beginning and at the end of the text without any spaces and signs of padding. The phrase is immediately crossed out. Individual words can be underlined if desired.

Other ways of formatting

Bold is not always the only solution. Formatting text in WhatsApp is possible with strikethrough, italic, or underline. This achieves the desired effect from the transmission of the message. To achieve the desired result, you can use special characters or the context menu.

What font does Apple use?

To date, Apple has completely redesigned the fonts on its official website, and has also completely redesigned iOS using the "San Francisco" font. This type of text was first introduced by the company in 2015 along with the Apple Watch.

San Francisco is a condensed sans serif font that looks a lot like Helvetica. It was created specifically for small displays like the Apple Watch. San Francisco renders well on large Retina displays because of its "Clean Design". Many users confuse San Francisco with Helvetica because these fonts are almost the same.

San Francisco is the first font on the iPhone to have a name in the last 20 years. In the 80s and 90s, Apple used several fonts that were created in-house. But the company stopped making its own text fonts back in the early 1990s.

How to make bold text on iPhone

If you don't want to make the font large, then there is another option to make the text more legible. bold. All letters will become much more legible. In addition to the menu and icon labels, the keyboard letters and all other inscriptions that are in the supporter of programs will become bold. Everything is done in the same steps as the previous paragraph:

  • go to Settings. General. Universal Access;
  • activate the Bold font item and click Next, after the reboot the text will change;

That's all, now you can more easily find the information you need and, most importantly, everything has become more understandable. Change in the opposite direction, that is, disable this function, you can at any convenient time.

How to make large font on iPhone?

Fortunately, earlier versions of iOS 8 support dynamic font resizing. It can be configured to enlarge text in many built-in applications, including email clients, notes, messages, and calendars. Remember that increasing the text size for reading emails will also change it for all other applications that use the "Dynamic Type" display method.

On the home screen, go to the "Settings" section. Open the menu item "Display and Brightness". In the window that appears, you can change the text size of the iPhone using the settings that are shown in our screenshot.

Go to the "Text size" menu item and change the font size with the slider. To the right. increase the text, to the left. decrease.

To make text bold on iPhone, in the "Screen and Brightness" section, the corresponding menu item is available for setting. Make active "Bold" and the device will automatically reboot with updated display parameters.

If the size of the enlarged text in standard iPhone applications is not enough, you can change the size of the text in games and programs that use the technology of "Dynamic display" of fonts.

Open "Settings". Go to the "General" section. Further, "Universal Access". An item "Enlarged text" appears in the open menu. Use the slider to adjust the font size for display in iPhone applications.

How to enlarge the font on the iPhone?

How about the size of the text on your iPhone or iPad? Is the font size on iPhone convenient for reading emails or comfortable for using apps and programs? For example, you can easily zoom in on an email using finger gestures, but this is not always convenient.

In this guide, we will take a closer look at how to increase the font or size of the text on the iPhone, make it bold and the most legible for your eyes. We will also tell you about the possibilities of changing the font in WhatsApp on the iPhone. Knowing how to resize text will be helpful for many people who have handheld devices such as iPhones. But gadgets do not always display text on a large enough scale with standard settings. This is difficult for people with eye problems or for users who like to keep their iPhone away from their face.

Carefully read the table of contents in our instructions and go to the iPhone settings.

How to change the font on iPhone

Apple has a pretty good device policy, they try to make the settings as simple and convenient for users as possible. If you feel that the current font size is not large enough for you, then you can safely increase it. Why bother when everything is provided.

    on the desktop, click Settings, go to the Basic item;

now we are looking for Universal Access, click on the line Enlarged text;

How to Type Bold, Italics, and Strikethrough in WhatsApp on iPhone

below we see a slider, by moving which, the text also changes (if this is not enough, click on the top Increased sizes).

Everything is set up quite simply, choose a font and you don't even need to confirm anything. The text changes along with that when you move the slider. This will help you customize everything exactly for your screen.

How to change the font in WhatsApp on iPhone?

In April 2016, the WhatsApp messenger released a major update to its Android apps, including iOS for iPhone and iPad. The update included some minor bug fixes, as well as excellent text formatting and type changes.

WhatsApp users on iPhone can now use Bold, Italic, or Strikethrough Text in Text Messages.

Add an asterisk before and after the words or phrases you have selected that you want to highlight. For example, bold, as shown in the screenshot.

Add an underscore character in front of the word or sentence you are going to highlight. For example: _ italic_.

How to write strikethrough text in WhatsApp:

make, bold, text, iphone

Just as with bold or italic formatting for words or sentences, add the symbol

If you are the lucky owner of any iPhone and you find it difficult to read the names of the icons in your menu, then today's material is for you. After all, today I will talk about increasing and decreasing the font on the iPhone. Despite the huge screen sizes, sometimes the standard font size is simply not enough for a comfortable use. Fortunately, this smartphone has the ability to change the font size.

How to change the font in WhatsApp

You can use third-party applications, for example, to create messages in Morse code, mirrored text, rainbow designs, and more. dr.

The developers were not able to add the ability to significantly edit the design of the conversation, but provided a general change in the font size for all messages (both yours and the interlocutor). This feature is useful for people with low vision.

  • Open application settings by clicking on the 3 vertical dots in the upper right corner.
  • Select "Chats".
  • Find the section "Font size" and go to it.
  • Find a suitable option for you. There are 3 of them: small, medium and large.
  • Close the settings and use the application with a convenient text format.

How to copy and paste text in WhatsApp

The citation method is not always justified. If your message is large, and you only need to forward some part of it, it is more convenient to use the copy function.

To copy and paste text into "WhatsApp", you need:

  • Highlight the desired part of the message by holding your finger on it.
  • Adjust what needs to be copied. Check that all required words are highlighted in dark.
  • Tap "Copy".
  • Open correspondence, where you want to send part of the text.
  • Press and hold your finger in the message input window until the menu appears.
  • Select the "Insert" command.
  • Format the entry if necessary and send it.

The algorithm is also suitable for copying information from websites, from other applications or personal notes on the same device.

How to change the font in WhatsApp

Messenger "WhatsApp" is one of the most popular applications for Internet communication. The developers are constantly working to improve its work, adding new features. One of them is the ability to use different font styles, such as strikethrough text in WhatsApp. In addition to choosing the type of spelling, you can also change the color, size, or make the letters inverted. All this is used to personalize what is written, create your own style, as well as in advertising mailings.

How to make a citation

The ability to quote allows you to refer to the messages of your interlocutor or demonstrate which of them you are responding to at that moment. A useful function helps out not only in personal correspondence, but also in group chat.

In order to use a quote, you should:

  • Click on the post you want to quote.
  • Hold your finger on it until the edit menu appears at the top.
  • Click on the left arrow for the quote to be attached to your message when replying, or on the right arrow to forward the text to another conversation.
  • Write a response and send it in a standard way.

It is also possible to forward a message to the chat where it is already contained. This will allow you to duplicate the quote without your comment.

How to write in different fonts

Another secret of the messenger is the ability to use several types of design at once. For example, you can make italic bold and cross it out.

It is easy to do it both on smartphones on "Android" and on "iPhone". You only need to know the selection symbols.

To use several types of design at the same time:

  • Write some message.
  • Highlight the area you need on 2 sides with an asterisk. for bold design, underscore. for italics or tilde. for strikethrough.

After all the manipulations, the text in the message typing window may look like

_. The order of the characters is not important.

How to make WhatsApp bold

The scheme for using this type of text formatting is no different from the previous one. You can use the symbolic code "".

In order to activate the command, you need:

  • After typing a message, select the whole word or sentence.
  • Keep your finger on it.
  • Click on 3 points.
  • Select "Bold".

How to make bold text on iPhone

How to pause auto-error correction

For many users, the automatic error correction function is completely inappropriate, due to the fact that they use a large amount of slang that the system is not able to understand. If, for this or any other reason, the corrected word variants do not suit you, you can always pause the automatic word replacement. For this:

  • Start typing words;
  • In case you spell any word incorrectly, the system will show you the word, which will be automatically corrected;
  • Click on the word that the system considers incorrect to reject the auto-correction function;
  • Keep typing.

How to make a font bold, italic, or underlined

How to completely disable the auto-error correction feature

Note that the automatic error correction function does not always work correctly. This can be especially annoying if you are typing large texts in which there are many unknown words in the system.

If the automatic text correction function does not suit you for any reason, you can turn it off completely. For this:

  • Go to Settings;
  • Open the General menu;
  • Go to the Keyboard section;
  • Uncheck the box next to Auto Correction.

After you complete the above steps, the automatic error correction function will be completely disabled. If you need this function again, you can enable it at any time in Settings.

How to make large icons on iPhone?

Enlarged home screen icons on iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch

  • If the enlarged icons on the Home screen make it impossible to access the Settings menu, zoom out.
  • To turn off Zoom, go to Settings Accessibility Zoom and press the switch.

How to turn on Magnifier on iPhone?

Here's how to access the magnifying glass option on iPhone.

  • How to turn on the iPhone magnifier?
  • In order to turn on the "Magnifier" follow the following path, click "Settings" "General" "Accessibility" select "Magnifier".
  • Slide the switch in the Magnifier section to the On position to turn it on.

How to enlarge app icons?

Just go to settings (hold your finger in an empty spot on the home screen), enter general options and look for the icon size option. A slider will be displayed that allows you to increase the percentage of our icons, both on the home screen and on the app list screen.

How to enlarge the font in your notes?

On the Home tab, in the Font group, select the font size you want. The default font size is 12 points. If you want to increase the size of the text in your notes, change the value 12 to larger.

How to Enable Bold Text on iPhone

How to remove screen magnifier?

To quickly close Magnifier, press the Windows ESC key. You can also click the magnifying glass icon. and then click the Close button on the Magnifier toolbar. If you want to keep Magnifier close at hand, pin it to your Start screen or taskbar.

How to increase / decrease font on iPhone

If you are the lucky owner of any iPhone and you find it difficult to read the names of the icons in your menu, then today's material is for you. After all, today I will talk about increasing and decreasing the font on the iPhone.

Despite the huge screen sizes, sometimes the standard font size just isn't enough for comfortable use. Fortunately, this smartphone has the ability to change the font size.

How to make bold text on iPhone

If you don't want to make the font large, then there is another option to make the text more legible. bold. All letters will become much more legible.

make, bold, text, iphone

In addition to the menu and icon labels, the keyboard letters and all other labels that are in the supporter of programs will become bold.

Everything is done in the same steps as the last paragraph:

  • go to Settings. General. Universal Access;
  • activate the Bold font item and click Next, after the reboot the text will change;

That's all, now you can more easily find the information you need and, most importantly, everything has become more understandable. Change in the opposite direction, that is, disable this function, you can at any convenient time.

How to change the font on iPhone

Apple has a fairly good policy on the use of devices, they try to make the settings as simple and convenient as possible for users.

If you feel that the current font size is not large enough for you, then you can safely increase it. Why bother when everything is provided.

    on the desktop, click Settings, go to the Basic item;

now we are looking for Universal Access, click on the line Enlarged text;

below we see a slider, by moving which, the text also changes (if this is not enough, click on the top Increased sizes).

Everything is set up quite simply, choose a font and you don't even need to confirm anything. The text changes along with that when you move the slider. This will help you customize everything exactly for your screen.


Now you know how you can change your font on iPhone: increase or decrease the size, make it bold. Such flexible settings should make your phone even more comfortable to use.

Follow the news, there will be many more useful information related to devices from Apple.

How to make font bigger on iPhone?

It is worth understanding the difference between built-in and third-party applications. In the first case, you can make the necessary adjustments directly in the parameters of the iOS system. But utilities of other developers downloaded from the App Store are configured separately. And they do not always have the ability to change the size of the text.

  • Open "Settings" using the icon on your desktop:
  • Go to the "Screen and brightness" section:
  • Scroll down and see the item "Text Size". Pay attention to the "Bold" option. it may also be useful to you:
  • Now just move the slider to the right until we achieve the desired effect:

But that's not all! If you want to increase the font on the iPhone even more, then you should return to the main page of system settings, enter the "Accessibility" section:

  • Inside, find the item "Display and Size", then find "Enlarged Text" and see the already familiar regulator. However, if you activate the "Increased sizes" option, then the possibilities will be significantly expanded:

Zoom in in the Safari browser

Don't even try looking for options in the Safari app itself. This is not Android for you! It is necessary:

  • In the section "Settings for websites" we change the page scale in percentage ratio:

Now, when browsing the Internet, the text and other content will become larger.

How to increase the font on the iPhone in Yandex browser, Safari and other programs

Owners of iPhone smartphones with small screens are often interested in the question. how to increase the font on the iPhone in Yandex (browser) and other programs to improve the readability of the text. Consider a simple instruction using real examples with video.

Third party applications

At the beginning of the review, we mentioned that each utility downloaded from the App Store has its own options. Font size control is not always available. For example, they are not available in the Yandex browser. And in the Telegram messenger. yes (section "Registration"):

By the way, if you have an operating system iOS 12, then the section "Accessibility" can be found inside the main settings. And you will need to look for the item "Vision". This is where the text size control is located.

How to increase font size in Safari on iPad?

Change the font size on iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch

  • Go to Settings Accessibility and check the box next to Display and Text Size.
  • To select an enlarged font, click "Bigger Text".
  • Drag the slider to select the font size you want.

Can I change the font on the iPhone?

Users of mobile offices on iPhone and iPad have repeatedly faced the problem of not having the right fonts. This is the official app that you can use without jailbreaking your gadgets. AnyFont installation provides the ability to add any TrueType (TTF) and OpenType (OTF) fonts to iOS.

How to make icons on your phone bigger?

Just go to settings (hold your finger in an empty spot on the home screen), enter general options and look for the icon size option. A slider will be displayed that allows you to increase the percentage of our icons, both on the home screen and on the app list screen.

How to make the keyboard bold?

If you need to highlight a word in bold, place the cursor in the middle or at least the last letter in the word you want to select using the arrow keys on your keyboard, and apply the CtrlB shortcut.

How to increase the size of icons?

To resize desktop icons, right-click (or press and hold), then hover over View and select Large Icons, Medium Icons, or Small Icons.

How to enlarge the font in your notes?

On the Home tab, in the Font group, select the font size you want. The default font size is 12 points. If you want to increase the size of the text in your notes, change the value 12 to larger.

How To Get Bold Text On Iphone


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