
How Many Smirnoffs To Get Drunk

Many people who have been to a party, barbecue, or any other social gathering that is serving alcohol has seen the telltale bottles of Smirnoff Ice. This cloudy white drink is known for having a fruity flavor, which is one reason it's been dubbed a "girly drink" at times. Smirnoff Ice is so refreshing though, and those who have tasted it, including here at Hangover Hospital , know it's perfect for anyone over the legal drinking age.

The fact that it's been dubbed a "girly drink" has also led some to believe that the alcohol content in it is quite low. This is good news for those that don't want to feel anything more than a slight buzz, but bad news for those that want to feel a bit more. So, how many Smirnoff Ice does it take to get drunk? At Hangover Hospital, we investigated to determine how much you may have to drink to feel the effects.

How Much Alcohol is in Smirnoff Ice

how many smirnoff ice does it take to get drunk? | hangover hospitalOf course, the alcohol content of any alcoholic beverage has a huge impact on how many drinks it takes to get drunk. That being said, the myth that Smirnoff Ice doesn't contain that much alcohol is just that – a myth.

Most American beers have between four to six percent alcohol content, with the average beer having approximately five percent alcohol. Likewise, Smirnoff Ice also has an alcohol content of just over five percent, with some areas including only four percent alcohol in their bottles.

Due to the similar alcohol contents, it's likely that one could get drunk by drinking the same number of Smirnoff Ice that they would beers. However, the actual number of Smirnoff Ice it takes someone to get drunk varies, depending on a variety of factors such as:

  • Their body weight
  • Alcohol tolerance
  • If they have eaten recently

Factors Affecting Drunkenness

How many Smirnoff Ice does it take to get drunk? | hangover hospitalOf all the factors that affect how long it takes a person to get drunk off Smirnoff Ice, bodyweight is one of the main ones. It will take a 160-pound man approximately four drinks before they are over the legal limit of 0.08 percent most areas use. On the other hand, it will take a man that weighs 220 pounds five drinks before they are over the legal limit.

Women also tend to feel the effects of alcohol faster, meaning they will likely get drunk faster off Smirnoff Ice. This is due to the fact that alcohol dissolves into the water found in the body, but not the fat. Proportionally, women have more fat on their bodies and so, they feel the effects faster. However, a woman's weight will also have an impact on how many Smirnoff Ices it takes to get drunk. A woman that weighs 140 pounds will exceed the legal limit after just three drinks. Meanwhile, a 180-pound woman will exceed that same legal limit after four drinks.

The effects felt will also vary depending on the last time a person ate. If a person doesn't have any food in their stomach, the alcohol moves directly into their small intestine. This is where the body absorbs the most alcohol. When the stomach is full though, it takes longer for the alcohol to reach the small intestine, which slows the body's absorption of it and reduces alcohol buildup in the blood.

Unfortunately, there is no scientific method for determining a person's alcohol tolerance, which will also have an effect on how long it takes to get drunk from Smirnoff Ice. A person simply has to know their own limits, and how much it takes before they are drunk.

Drank Too Much Smirnoff Ice? Call the Hangover Hospital in Key West!

how many smirnoff ice does it take to get drunk | hangover hospitalSmirnoff Ice is delicious, but the effects the day after drinking too much of it are unpleasant. At Hangover Hospital, we are dedicated to helping those suffering the effects of a hangover. Our injection therapies mean there is no reason to simply wait out your hangover. Get the help you need today by calling us at (305) 912-4911 to book an appointment.

How Many Smirnoffs To Get Drunk


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